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Run AOminer | AOminer Results

There are several ways to utilize the AcaFinder website:

  • (i) To use AOminer and scan for potential anti-CRISPR operons (AOs) in you genomic sequence or operon of interest, go to Run AOminer page
  • (ii) For local resources, go to the AOminer github page.
  • (iii) For introduction to the AOminer team, go to About
  • (iv) For an example out of AOminer, go to Example.

Run AOminer

To input a genomic sequence for AO screening, go to Run AOminer on the navigation bar. Sequence data can be submitted in two ways:

  • Users could scan an assembled genome for potential AOs by uploading nucleotide sequences, with/without annotation information (of which includes both a FAA & GFF file).
  • Users can upload protein sequences of an operon or gene cluster (NOTE: a gene cluster does not need to follow the parameter requirements of a short-gene-operon) to scan, and determine its potential of being AO.

**Data of ONE genome/operon may be submitted at a time** Results are then displayed, users can view where the AOs and their association with prophages, CRISPR-Cas systems (if any), and annotations

AOminer Results

The output of AOminer consists of the following:

  • All Anti-CRISPR operons: Summary table of predicted anti-CRISPR operons and all associated prophage & CRISPR-Cas information
  • Prophage Regions: Table of all prophage regions found
  • Complete CRISPR Cas & Self-Targeting Spacers: Tables of all complete CRISPR-Cas systems found
  • If you have NOT SELECTED the "Prokaryote Genome/Contig" option or SELECTED "Single Operon Prediction", then prophage & CRISPR-Cas will not be predicted

Table columns explained (All tables combined)

  • Operon Number: Operon ID of Aca operon identified
  • AO Score: HMM model generated score of operon being AO [the higher the score the more confident the prediction]
  • ProteinID: Protein ID of annotated protein
  • ContigID: ID of contig the protein resides
  • Protein Length: Length of protein
  • Start: Start position of protein
  • End: End position of protein
  • Acr Homologous: Acrs that share homology with protein
  • With HTH: Proteins found with HTH domains that could potentially be Aca proteins
  • Pfam: Pfam database protein annotations
  • Complete CRISPR Cas and STSS: Complete CRISPR-Cas found, their type and location. Represented in the format of CONTIG|TYPE|Operon Start-End position|STSS info(STSS=spacer_name:spacer_location=>targeting_contig:targeting_location+spacer_name_2:spacer_location_2=>.../No_STSS)
  • Operon in Prophage: If protein in predicted prophage region, the column displays said predicted prophage region in the format of CONTIG:Prophage_location
  • Protein Sequence: Amino acid sequence of protein
  • Contig Length: Length of contig (nt) the protein resides
  • CRISPR Cas Type: Predicted type of CRISPR-Cas
  • Cas operon and location: ID and location of Cas operon (from CRISPRCasTyper, CRISPR_OperonID|Location_start-end)
  • CRISPR operon and location: ID and location of CRISPR operon (from CRISPRCasTyper, CRISPR_OperonID|Location_start-end)
  • STSS: Self-targeting information (spacer_name:spacer_location=>targeting_contig:targeting_location+spacer_name_2:spacer_location_2=>.../No_STSS)

  • If you have additional questions or comments regarding AOminer, please do not hesitate to contact us .