Step 1) The input FAA will be scanned for short-gen operons (SGOs) with the following criteria: (i) All genes < 200aa (if Acr homolog present in SOG and homolog is >200aa, then all genes < Acr homolog length); (ii) All intergenic distances < 250bp; (iii) All genes on the same strand. If input is a single operon, then this step is bypassed.
Step 2) The extracted SGOs or input operon will be annotated with the built-in dbPFhmm, of which contain HMMs of protein families found in abundance within known AOs.
Step 3) The annotated operons will go through the built-in two-state HMM. Each operon will be assigned a prediction score, the ones that passes the set thresholds will be considered as a predicted AO. The predicted AOs will then be annotated with the Pfam database using pfamscan.
In addition to the identification of anti-CRISPR operons, AOminer will also scan the input fna file for prophages, CRISPR-Cas systems & self-targeting spacers (STSs), Acr homologs, and potential Acas. If input is a single operon, only Acr homologs and potetnial Aca proteins will be searched.